Thank you for visiting my site. Please add to this guestbook!

Brando Tate and the others were all fine actors. I was talking to Brando before he passed about a book I had written just for him. He said he was considering taking the part but never made it to that stage of the game.
Author Bob D Caterino
Newark, NJ USA - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 17:53:36 (PST)
This is a cool website! I like your "contest"...that's a cool way to hook up. I really like your condo too...very nice!
Chay Mendoza <>
La Jolla, CA USA - Friday, January 30, 2004 at 08:27:21 (PST)
Well Done!
Kalli Bellou <>
Athens, Greece - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 04:16:03 (PST)
I thought Citizen Kane was a really good movie. I watched it once then watched the first 10 minutes over and then watched the movie again and it made a lot of sense. I think it teaches a valuble lesson about the value of money and love in our lives.
Denise Kriener <>
Fort, Ia USA - Monday, May 28, 2001 at 12:19:30 (PDT)
citizen kane was a wonderful movie. even the trailer was mesmerizing, i highly recommend you see it, if you have not. i'd like to talk to anyone regarding rosebud, too! bye
danielle long <>
salisbury, md USA - Saturday, January 13, 2001 at 20:29:29 (PST)
i really don't know whose guestbook i'm signing please send me an e-mail back or some free stuff you can do both if you want have a nice day
goo <>
tallahassee, fl USA - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 16:05:56 (PDT)
Hi Soo! Just thought I'd leave my mark in your webpage! Hope to hear from you soon! You have been a great net-buddy over these two years! **sara(h)**
Sarah Vetter <>
Burlington, NC USA - Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 06:11:22 (PDT)
Mind if visiting my personal gallery and give some advise or comment? I am new in web design.
Arcane Lim <>
Taipei, Taiwan - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 11:53:27 (PDT)
I have never seen the movie. Going to now. I'm taking a film class in college and it looks so good!!!
Diane <>
Canon City, CO USA - Monday, February 07, 2000 at 09:34:26 (PST)
What was Citizen Kane's Rosebud??????
Terri <>
Lafayette, IN USA - Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 10:19:27 (PST)
You made a little little dream come true. Very little, but true :-) I want contact. Rob
Roberto <>
Milan, ITALY - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 10:43:17 (PST)
I would really appreciate it if someone would write me and explain to me WHAT is so great about Citizen Kane. The movie had absolutely NO impact on me whatsoever and I don't understand what all the hype is about and why it is #1 on the Top 100 Greatest Movies of All Time. Please e-mail me back this information because it would be most beneficial to me. Thank You>
Chico, CA USA - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 22:31:44 (PST)
I stumbled upon your page looking for info on the movie "Citizen Kane" for a Web page I'm designing. I then spent the next hour wandering through it. Bravo! I tend to loathe personal Web sites which is why I don't have one. they tend to be self serving and, frankly, boring. I showed your page to some friends just to watch their reaction. In each case they laughed, mused, or frowned at different points. And your photography is very refreshing and interesting. Thank you.
Gary Hayden <>
Newport Beach, CA USA - Thursday, September 09, 1999 at 06:39:17 (PDT)
...*s* this page. Dont know what to say. Really like it. The words and evrything. Like someone once said: ...Coldness, is all an illusion. ..I'll be back..!
Fanny <>
Sweden - Monday, September 06, 1999 at 09:38:58 (PDT)
You got it goin' on there guy!!! Citizen Kane, best b/w fiction/biographical.
tom kane <>
Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA - Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 13:27:04 (PDT)
Hi Soo! I've spoken to you already about how you really captured my emotions as well. Just wanted to tell ya again how much I could really relate to this!! Talk later =)
Sarah Horton <>
NC USA - Sunday, August 15, 1999 at 18:20:38 (PDT)
Rosebud...My favorite line from any movie, I try and quote Orson Welles on a daily basis
Nutty76 <>
Honolulu, HI USA - Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 00:13:19 (PST)
The greatest movie ever.
Grant <>
USA - Monday, February 01, 1999 at 09:58:24 (PST)
You have a really neat page... thanx for the mp3... more importantly if you really want to keep your mp3s you could get a few free web page from say, or, or
kris <>
Montréal, Canada - Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 06:36:46 (PST)
Loved the movie. Just about the only back & white film I have enjoyed.
Johannah <>
WA USA - Tuesday, January 12, 1999 at 15:54:15 (PST)
Hey there buddy. I really like the site here. Think maybe you can give me some pointers??? I will bring the ribs and ice cream. *G* Talk soon!
Gina <>
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, November 03, 1998 at 17:14:12 (PST)
There is no film which can match "Citizen Kane". It has it all, it's simply a masterpiece!
Julian Greenwood
Stockholm, Sweden - Friday, October 30, 1998 at 11:20:53 (PST)
great website!!!
ny, ny USA - Friday, October 16, 1998 at 20:53:17 (PDT)
Devin aka DLuCCs <>
Malvern/Philly, PA USA - Thursday, July 02, 1998 at 10:22:49 (PDT)
Interesting site you have here Soo. Especially the dating game. I find that very adorable. But my question to you: Do you really takes these gals out, or do you just play with their feelings online? *giggle* Also... Where is your anime displayed?! You need LOTS of anime! hehe. Good luck with the future. -Susan
Susan Loew <>
Murrieta, CA USA - Wednesday, June 17, 1998 at 14:56:30 (PDT)
I just wanted to say that I watched the movie Citizen Kane, in my Media Class at school, and the first time I viewed the movie, I didn't really understand it, but after we viewed it a second time, and went though the movie scene by scene, and in great detail...I am proud to say that the movie is one of the best movies ever made. Three Cheers to Orson Welles
Krista <>
Whitby, On, Canada - Saturday, April 11, 1998 at 20:08:25 (PDT)
I love people that "SENSE" life the way you do.
Juan <>
San Diego, CA USA - Friday, March 20, 1998 at 12:31:33 (PST)
I found you through your photography, which is very beautiful. You were at the same Sarah McLachlan (LA) concert as i. And the same Natalie show as a good friend of mine. hm...lovely. Take Care of yourself. cheers, dolll
CA USA - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 00:33:59 (PST)

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 17:16:29 -0800

Soo - Very impressive photographically and conceptually. I think this shows
best photo based website I have seen. Most seem totally consumed by digital
imaging pyrotechnics. Since you are poetic word person, as well as a
serious photographer, your work really touched me.

Lea Rudee

Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 18:28:35 -0500
From: Ryan Crum 
Subject: Thank You

My name is Ryan Crum and I am writing to you from the University of
Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas.  I am originally from Bloomington,
Minnesota.  This past year I finally was able to date a friend of mine
whom I was in love with for at least five years.  She took a trip to
Europe and upon returning, broke things off with me.  I later found out
that she cheated on me in Europe.  I have been looking for words to
express my feelings and these pictures and words are more than I can
say.  I am a photographer myself and I love your work.  Thank you for
what you have done here.  You have helped my release some of my ghosts.
Ryan Crum

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 17:58:22 -0400 (EDT)

I wish I hard a third if your talent for what you create, I am glad to have
been able to experience the level of your mastery.   keep up the fantastic

Date: Sun, 9 Mar 97 07:20:04 UT
From: "Kevin Cook" 

I really enjoyed your site.  Especially "pictures of you".  I was surfing the 
web for pictures for story I was telling, and I was looking for shots to match 
some poetry by Sylvia Plath (ariel)  It was getting to the point where all the 
art was the the same.  A nude in the grass.  A nude on the beach. Nothing told 
a story.  Then I stumbled on to your site, and I was really moved.  You told a 
great story, using real photographs.  Not a staged retouched compostition of 
'art'. Thanks for the experience.  When I learned that Jennifer left for 
Mexico, heard the end of the song, and saw the final photo, I was holding back 
the tears.

-Kevin Cook 

 I particularly enjoyed the music.  Who did "Pictures Of You"?
seth scott

	   You're photograph compositions are quite good. I assume you 
          are semi-professional. I particularly like your literary 
          quotes accompanying each. Here are two more you might like -
          We live, as we dream, alone. -joseph Conrad
          Nihil humani a me alienum puto. -Karl Marx's favorite maxim
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:41:06 -0800 (PST)
1-name:   david adam edelstein
4-origin: Yahoo web site

   Pictures of You was a powerful piece.  I didn't expect to be 
          moved by it ("great, pictures of someone who left this guy, 
          big deal") but by the end you had won me over.  Great work.
          Masques seemed to be less focused, therefore less effective.  
          I'd love to hear about it when you put more work up.
          aloha --dae
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 1996 18:19:12 -0400
From: Lisa Chun 
Subject:  First Book About Jennifer

I really appreciated your effort and need to record the moments in your
relationship.  I was doing the same with my last relationship (poetry has
been the main vehicle for expression for me and recently photography
has begun to overtake it).  I was taking pictures of him and writing about
the relationship always hoping that I would be able to discover something
more about him/about me, maybe something I had missed earlier.  I kept
writing and developing the pictures thinking I would make a book.  When
the relationship ended I wrote what I thought was the conclusion (the
whole story to that point was written from the woman's perspective) but
then I had this idea to write what it was like for "him".  That was more
difficult.  I have put the whole thing aside for now...

Anyway,  I relate to what you have done and I like the photographs.  I
will go and look at your second book now.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts publicly.


From: "David M. Linsenmeier" 
Subject: Pictures of You
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 1996 17:40:25 -0600

        No one can ever understand the relationship between other people.  The 
best I've ever been able to do is to project my own memories onto other 
people's external events.  Your pictures of Jennifer in part I are 
unusually revealing of the relationship behind them.  I have a relationship 
with a Jennifer as well, and she also left me to study abroad, in France 
and in Massachusetts (which is not quite as abroad, but still not nearby). 
 I was particularly moved by a few of the smiles you photographed.  They 
are among the most honest smiles I've seen, and they remind me of sharing 
such smiles.  Keep up the good work, and best wishes for part III.

Dave Linsenmeier
Northwestern University

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 96 04:23:09 0500
From: "smirk!" 
Organization: Boston University

Sure, publish this in your guestbook.  :)

I'm thoroughly impressed with your art as well as the artfulness of your 
homepage.  It has been a while since I've seen a homepage that has 
captured my attention as thouroghly and in as many ways as yours has.
Happy New year to you too!

    Sheldon Chang||  "What is to give light must endure burning."||     
Boston University||                                  -Viktor Frankl    
       Boston, MA||

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 07:39:23 -0800
From: craig lee duckett

Charles Foster Kane is alive and well on the Internet !

I applaud your efforts.

Craig Duckett
Seattle, Washington

Date: Wed, 13 Dec 95 10:17:54 0000
From: psch
Organization: Greeley West High School

Citizen Kane,

I think Citizen Kane's pictures and information was delightful . . .
There's a new wind blowing on Netscape.
Citizen Kane is the creator of that new wind blowing.
He adds a refreshing style of philosophy with humor.
I trully enjoyed viewing his work.
I hope to come across it again very soon.
To those wondering about Citizen Kane's work, it is wonderful.
He is imaginative and quite smart and dandy with his words.

Date: Fri, 08 Dec 1995 19:16:37 +0500

First of all, due to technical difficulties this message is not from, but from instead. Sorry. Feel free to publish.

My name is Nicole and today I was lucky enough to find you crawling across my screen. I am in the process of creating my own homepage so I am always looking for new ideas. While I was browsing through an art gallery in Yahoo I came across your homepage. I have been writing for many years myself and it isn't often that I come across someone who breathes with the same breath as I do. Your work melted me to my chair.

Thanks for a wonderful afternoon. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 14:55:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Leah-Nani Alconcel
To: Citizen Kane
Subject: Re: pic

your web page is delightful...
i liked the faint glow around
the woman in the picture "tamara"
and your poetry reflects a sincere,
somewhat sad romantic spirit.

i see also that you have a love for
80s synthpop...not many people own
so much of the clash or the human
league any more...(i have a soft spot
in my heart for it as well, which
i keep hidden from my industrial
friends). and i noticed chopin's
nocturnes in there somewhere...
very nice.

leah-nani alconcel

Date: Tue, 07 Nov 95 16:55:45 -0800
From: Tom Spacie
Organization: WPI Student
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Which week?

Hullo, I love your idea of posting a new wav file every weel. I have just one question, where (or maybe when) is "Until the End of the World?" I have gotten a great version of "Love is Blindness", but I am interested in other songs. You are probably busy with some other work, the main reason my web page falls into disarray, so I don't want to bust your stones. Just to let you know that there is at least one person who is very interested in this page. Keep it up!

- Tom

.sig on vacation

Date: Mon, 06 Nov 95 00:36:54 0500
From: Gene Pope
Organization: PopeMusic
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Your "book"

I applaud your effort. It is nice to see such an honest sharing of emotion so deep and pure.

My friend, just remember that the human species inherited a gift to love so deeply, and we never seem to lose this ability. Cherish this gift, and never fear it, for it perhaps is the one thing that will follow us until our last breath.

I am also sure that another lady will surely deeply appreciate the gift you have to offer. Don't lose faith...

Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 17:41:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Diane Fenster
Subject: Re: your site

> I think he must have been trying to make stars...

yes, i do believe he was.

your writing took my breath away. i cried for a long time.

he and i both tried to make stars but we got lost along the way. somewhere up around the northern lights.

thank you so very much for sending this. i will put it up tomorrow with the link to you.


Date: Fri, 29 Sep 95 01:47:15 0800
From: Scott F Dunham
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: (no subject)

Hi. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for creating such a beautiful visual monument. I was in a similar situation. She was only here on a student visa and when she graduated, she had to return to her native Hong Kong. I knew that I'd never see her again when she left. I spent the last few weeks that she was here taking countless photos of her as I knew that they would be all I'd have left after she was gone besides a giant void in my chest where my heart used to be. She's gone, I've been with someone else for a couple of years and I'm sure she has too. Every so often when Susan's at work I take out my box of pictures and relive what I felt years ago. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. Thanks again, Scott

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 95 10:33:50 0200
From: BCaudron
Organization: The Reference (Advanced Internet Solutions)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: your "book 1"
Hi there,

Just a short note, to congratulate you with your Site. As chief of Production of Belgium's premium Internet Publishers, manager of the Belgium Virtual Photogallery and the son of a great photographer, I enjoyed my visit to your site. I do not appreciate all pics in the site (some of them are really no better than the average holiday pic), others on the other hand are just wonderful (I think you should devote yourslef to BW-pics). Your comments to the pics are very nice (they even charmed me :) -


Subject: Only 2 more days of Yankee Peddlar!
To: (Citizen Kane)
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 23:14:27 -0400 (EDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Status: U

Funny because some of the pictures were funny (in a good way!). And funny in the that it amazing what pictures (even of someone you don't even know) can provoke such emotions. If you would like to use this paragraph go right ahead! Or you could put them together if you'd like. Marc Almond (I love the CD "The Stars We Are"), you are the only other person that I know who owns this CD. Big Audio Dynamite (who I was suppose to see in concert at the end of July, but they canceled their show! Really ticked me off =( Kate Bush, Cowboy Junkies (Blue Moon Revisited still makes me cry), Depeche Mode, Dire Straits, DiVinyls, Enigma, Enya, Erasure (excellent in concert), Flock of Seagulls, Peter Gabriel, The Cure Gene Loves Jezebel, Human League, Indigo Girls, INXS, Ministry, Pet Shop Boys, Siouxsuis and the Banshees, Cat Stevens, SuperTramp, 10,00 Maniacs, The The, Tears for Fears, U2, and the Violent Femmes. I only listed the groups but for most of these groups I own almost all of their CD's. Your welcome for the compliment, you deserved it!

Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 09:55:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Pictures of You

I really like your "book" Pictures of You, it really shares the innocent beauty and love you can have for another person.

I help design the web gallery Mythago, and we've included a link to Pictures of You in the Offsite section of our gallery.

Mythago is at


-- Jody Schiesser Lavondyss Productions

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